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Teacher / Staff Introduction教員・職員紹介

英語講師 Dave Nunag デイブ ヌナッグ


趣 味

Traveling is my cup of tea 旅行が大好きです

I always look forward to visiting new places locally or internationally. It helps me feel refreshed and uplifted, especially when appreciating the beauty of one's culture. Furthermore, I can truly learn a valuable life-changing experience when I gauge myself to unfamiliar places.


特 技

Experiment through cooking 実験のようにいろいろ試しながらの料理

I have learned that cooking is somehow related to science experiments. First, you have to discover how a particular dish is being made. It might be challenging to achieve the exact taste without keenly observing the right ingredients and procedures. This experience has improved my cooking skills over time.



強 み

Flexibility towards others  人に対しての柔軟さ

Being flexible in any given situation makes my life easier. Of course, it hasn't been easy or difficult to adjust to one's country, as I have experienced living and immersing myself in a country different from where I came from. However, there were no extreme unpleasant moments in my life so far - having this flexibility along with an open mind.


想 い

Making mistakes is better than feeling afraid to try  間違うことは、失敗を恐れるよりもよい

My philosophy on foreign language teaching underlies the concept of communicative language teaching. Here, fluency is the main goal rather than accuracy. This teaching perspective will allow the learners to try their best and make mistakes without losing their motivation to reach their learning goals.
