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Teacher / Staff Introduction教員・職員紹介

英語講師 Joseph Hernadez ジョセフ ヘルナンデズ


趣 味

Outdoor Activties アウトドア・アクティビティ

I have a few hobbies dear to my heart. I love being outside with nature and painting miniatures during my spare time. It brings me patience and peace.


特 技

Patience and Determination 忍耐力と決断力

I have plenty of experience teaching which allows me to understand my students and their situations. I love learning about different cultures and sharing my experiences.



強 み

Being Adventurous 冒険的であること

Understanding the importance of being adventurous is what allowed me the courage and push I need to move abroad to teach. I think it should be something all students should do at an early stage in their life's.


想 い

Never Give Up 決してあきらめない

It’s a valuable lesson in life to “never give up” especially when it comes to language acquisition. Making mistakes are the fundamentals need to grown in life and as a person. You’ll never know what you are good at if you aren’t willing to make mistakes.
